
Melaine Thompson~ The author of the famous blog My Sweet Savannah

Hello girls!
I have a special guest tonight!
She is one sweet talented girl!
The beautiful Melaine from My Sweet Savannah!
I wanted to do a special feature on Melaine for all of you!
She has been so gracious to me since I started blogging. She has such a kind spirit, and has made me feel so welcomed into this blog world.
So to have Melaine agree to let me feature her, has been a real treat for me! Melaine also kindly agreed to a mini interview! I hope you enjoy the interview and a peek at Melaine's beautiful cottage!
I think her home looks like it should be in Country Living!

Hi there!
and I would first like to say thank you to Maria for doing a guest post on me! I am so excited!

What inspired you to start a blog?
I actually had never heard of a blog until my sister adopted her son from Guatemala and started one while she was living there so everyone back home could see pictures and updates on them. Then one day while flipping through a magazine I saw a advertisement for a blog called Sadie Olive. I went online to take and peak and I was hooked!
When I started my blog I was doing so in order to keep track of projects I had done, inspiration photos, etc. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be where I am at today! I have met some of the most wonderful friends and on some occasions visited them in their homes, had lunch together, talked on the phone with many, and have gone to The Farm Chicks in Spokane Wa. with several! It has been a wonderful experience and I feel so blessed!

I love the name of your blog. How did you come up with the name My Sweet Savannah?
The name of my blog came from my daughter Savannah, nope I don't live in Georgia!
She is such a sweetheart, it just seemed fitting!

How would you describe your style?
I would describe my style as ever changing. When we first moved into our lake home I decorated everything very lodgey. Deer heads, camp blankets, lanterns, logs. We lived with it like that for a few years and then just felt we needed something a little lighter and brighter. It took my husband 10 years to convince him we needed to paint the cedar walls.
Right now I would say I love shabby chic, a little eclectic, and a whole lot vintage!

What inspires you?
What doesn't inspire me? I am inspired daily by even the littlest things. I love looking at other peoples homes, whether in person or over the internet. I guess I'm kind of nosy that way. I love anything old with a history. I love chippy white paint and metal, and I have a slight obsession with pillows and picture frames!

When & what inspired you to open your successful etsy shop?
Gosh, I don't even remember when I opened my etsy shop, good question! I opened it because I started collecting too many things and my house was too small to accomodate all of them! I love being able to repurpose items and pass them along to other people for them to enjoy.

What advice do you give others who are thinking about opening an etsy shop?
I would say if you are starting an etsy shop just to be patient, and continue to put new items in your shop, keeping things fresh!

What is your favorite room in your home?
What was the inspiration behind that room?
I love the living room in my home. It was recently given a face lift and I am happy with the light airy look of it.
However, I'd have to say my favorite room is actually my bedroom. It's a place I can go when the kids are off to bed, and watch a good movie with my husband. My bed is super comfortable and I am a huge fan of sleeping, if I could, I think I would sleep all day! I get at least 9 hours of sleep a night!

How did you learn to run a table saw?
How did I learn to run a table saw? Well....when we first bought our home 12 years ago it was a real fixer upper. We didn't have the extra money to hire projects out so my husband taught me how to use power tools. When my daughter Savannah was 2, I wanted to take on a project all by myself so I built her a playhouse, from digging out the footings to installing windows, siding, roofing, and a porch. Since I am a stay at home mom I did a lot of the projects around the house while my husband was at work. I have put up all the shingles and rockery on the outside of our home and laid tile in all 3 bathrooms, painted every room myself and much more. It's been very rewarding standing back when you are finished knowing that you did that! I now have my own tool shed where I make picture frames and cut wood for signs.

Who is your favorite designer?
I don't know if I have one favorite designer. A few of my favorites are Candice Olson, Rachell Ashwell, and Sarah Richardson. I also love Nate Berkus. I think some of my favorite rooms though are designed by the not so famous people like Maria from Dreamy Whites, Kasey from Lola B's, and Sara from Sadie Olive. I had a chance this past fall to visit Sara in California and tour her home. It is fabulous!!! I feel so lucky sometimes!

Do you have a favorite design book?
I have so many favorite design books! Currently I am loving the new Shabby Chic Interiors book by Rachel Ashwell. Also I am loving Easy Cottage Style by Liz Bauwens and Alexandra Campbell. The Well Dressed Home by Annette Tatum is another one of my favorites!

I hope you all get a chance to go over and tell the talented Melaine Hello!
If you are already a follower of My Sweet Savannah, please feel free to tell us how Melaine's blog inspires you!

I want to thank you Melaine for all that you have done for me. You have made me feel special a number of times on your beautiful blog! I really appreciate you and your friendship!

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