
Repurposing the Autodesk USB Media

You have received one of the Autodesk Suites, installed it, and you want to use the USB key for some other purpose.

It is not immediately obvious that this is possible.  There is some very decent write protection in play here - you can't delete the partitions in Windows or Linux, you can't format in Safe Mode, you can't even use low level format tools or the HP USB Format tool.

You have to go deeper.  Continue at your own risk...

I dismantled a spare USB key that we had received for Building Design Suite Premium.  This wasn't such an easy thing to do...but hopefully you won't have to, now that I have done it for you!

I already knew that it was ostensibly a Toshiba flash drive, code PA3708, 32 gb (have a look on the case of yours, see if it is the same).

However, what I really needed to know was the IC, or controller chip brand / make / model.  Dismantling the key told me it was a:
PHISON 2251-60-5

Ok, from here I found this page, which led me to download the Phison MPALL utility bundle.  You will need to download it too:

EDIT  You may be able to find updated versions via  Google Search.  I am unsure what the copyright / usage license situation is with this program  (deleted some links).

From here, it was a bit of trial and error.  This is how you do it:
  1. First of all, open GetInfo.exe
    Put in your drive letter and click 'Read'.  You should be able to get an output that looks something like this:
  2.  Next, open MPALL_F1_9000_v320_0B.exe
  3. Click 'Update'.  Your drive should show up here.
  4. Click 'Setting'
  5. Choose 'Advanced Setting' and 'New Setting' and OK.
  6. The controller that I had to choose was the PS2251-90 (which is a bit weird, because the chip said it was a 2251-60, but that didn't work).  So, anyway, here are the settings I chose:
  7. Controller = PS2251-90
  8. FC1-FC2 = 01
  9. Go to next tab - Flash Setting
  10. I think leave the defaults but tick the 'Erase Flash'
  11. Next tab - Partition Setting
  12. No. of partition = 1
  13. Choose 'Removable Disk'
  14. And once you are done, click 'Save'
  15. Then you should be able to click 'Start' and away you go!  You should see some formatting happen, then you will have to remove the drive and plug it in again...then you should have a nice 32 gb USB drive to use.
EDIT:  For the 16 gb USB, try using -60 controller setting.

 Note - the settings are saved in the MP.INI file.  Here is what my MP.INI file looked like:

IC Type=PS2251-90
[Parameter Mark]
Parameter Type=F1_MP_21
[Customize Info]
USB PID=0x3D00
String Product Name=USB DISK 2.0
Inquiry Version=PMAP
Reset Serial Number=0
Do Preformat Test=1
Volume Label=USB DISK
Burner Erase All=1
Wafer Erase All=1

You can check and see if yours looks similar, or even load these settings and try them.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROCEDURE MAY COMPLETELY BRICK OR DESTROY YOUR USB DRIVE.  Make sure you have a backup of the software if you are going to attempt this.

So, how did you go?  Do you feel pretty good about yourself?  Really, that USB key would eventually become redundant, so we are making an environmentally wise choice by recycling it, aren't we?

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