
FlickrCloud: Flickr API & Papervision 3D

Let me start my fisrt blog post with my rencent demo:

In a few days free from client projects, I have done some studies and made this demo. With this embeddable flash application, you can browse your and your friends' flickr public photos with a stunning 3D experience. (up to 50 latest photos) I named it FlickrCloud (Flickr + PaperCloud).

Technical info: This application is the combination of

Get the source here.

Try this application yourself: put these codes into your blog html

<embed src="http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/8/2/2530043/flash/FlickrCloud.swf" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="" flickrid="9803330@N04" allowscriptaccess="none" align="middle" height="480" width="640" />

That flashvars thing is used to inform the application the startup user ID. Remember to replace my flickr ID (9803330@N04) with your choice of user. (Don't know your flickr ID? Log into your flickr account and look at the URL on your browser's address bar, you will find the ID that looks like mine.)

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