
Yellow Fever

It's Feb 25th and I am anxiously awaiting Spring. Yellow reminds me that it is just around the corner. Forsythia blooming, tulips nodding their heads to me at the Flower Shops, a bowl of yellow lemons are all live touches of yellow we can add to our homes. But what about using yellow in more permanent installations in your home to add a dash of sunshine and warmth year round. Color researchers believe the color Yellow increases self-esteem and strengthens the overall well-being. Yellow to me is happy, bright, optimistic and interestingly enough it is the color that has the longest memory retention. So yellow is a good color to paint your house when you are wanting to sell it.....because yellow houses sell faster. Also yellow cars have been proven to have fewer accidents.

House Beautiful March08

Forsythia, yellow tulips & fresh lemons on classic Carrera marble countertops

House Beautiful March 2008


Yellow Pottery, lemons, bananas, and pineapple in this beautiful all white kitchen

Southern Accents

colorams se

Classic contemporary yellow chairs


A contemporary way to add a splash of color in your rooms, which is easy to change out for a new look.

jan showers com 02

Jan Showers uses touches of yellow for punch in this room

Elle Decor 2007 Laird Residence Bilhuber Designer1

Jeffery Bilhuber has used National Geographic magazines to get a pop of yellow into this warm and inviting sitting room

 via mrs blandings

This is such a bright welcoming entryway with my favorite Gracie Studio Wallpaper. Photo via Mrs Blandings

parish hadley reception via Peak of Chicalbert hadley june 2000 HB

I like the way Interior Design icon, Albert Hadley uses yellow as an accent color for furniture. The picture on the right is a room in his own home and on the right is his office.

tessellations org1 david hicks2

A beautiful "tessellation" tile (left) & David's Hicks's masterful use of bright acid yellow (right)

british homes and gardens via memyselfI


img17janshowers westerninteriors via katie did

I love the billowy yellow silk draperies in these rooms

credenza designed by the fabulous Tommi Parzinger via Jackie Blue Homepurplearea blogspot

A classic credenza designed by the fabulous Tommi Parzinger (top) & A painted Chinese chest (bottom)

Some yellow inspiration from my last trip to LA. That is velvet on the ottoman on left picture. The picture on the right is from an accessories showroom showing their spring and summer line for 2008. I definitely saw a trend for yellow for this year in home furnishings and accessories.

david hicks1

This is a room David Hicks designed in the 70's and it is still vital and current 30 some odd years later. He uses yellow sofas and chairs in his design much the same way as Albert Hadley.

katrincargillJan Showers

A beautiful yellow wallpaper in this room by Katrin Cargill Creamy (left) & butter yellow painted walls by Jan Showers (right)

yellow lamps

Yellow lamps add a vibrant shot of color in this black and white bedroom, and notice the interesting cushion on the bed

design inc tovas deck

Classic yellow striped cushions


I love the bold use of yellow on this floor...now that takes chutzpah

antique chairs

Magnificent antique Directoire chairs

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