
Bentayan Hawker Center, Muar - Johor.

Bentayan Hawker Center (N2°02.955' E102°34.391') is located at the end of Jalan Bentayan where it's connected to main road. My last visit is about more than a years ago, this time I found the hawker center was renovated to a better environment.

Bentayan Hawker Center, Muar.

I believe some of the stalls here started their business many decades ago...(It might bring back some memories for you?!)
Once we found a table (Not really crowded in Saturday night), we started to order some light foods to fill the table...

And not to miss out the Otah-otah from Muar.

Muar Otah-otah

The Otah-otah was not so good compare with the one selling at residential area (N2°04.263' E102°34.445'), it was not juicy & spicy enough.

The stalls of Bentayan Hawker Center

We also order the Fried Oyster which was not bad! It's better than those I had it at JB.

Fried Oyster of Muar

The name Bentayan is started from the Fortaleza de Muar built by the Portuguese to defend the attacks of Dutch and Aceh, this fort (triangle shape) went through ONLY two battles at Muar river in 1615 and 1616. The modern and present name of this site called "Bentayan". (You can Google more about the history of Muar from the internet)
But you will not see any structures related to the Fort around this area anymore...it was 393 years ago...

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Map of Bentayan Hawker Center, Muar

Muar related post :-
* Exploring Muar Town - The Historical Town


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