
Simulating & Rendering Squishy Ball 02


9.  Now, Press Play with default setting and youwill get something like this.

Which is notreally what we want. The cloth is intersecting with itself and has no rigidity.

10. since we have added cloth, the cloth modifier isappearing on modifiers tab, now we can apply another subsurface modifier togive smooth look to our squishy ball. If its still looking flat, hit space bar andtype shade smooth and apply to it.

Now the reason for applying subsurface modifier after clothis to give cloth less segments / geo count to simulate, which will save a lotof time while baking the simulation. Since the modifier is a below the clothwhich means its acting after  the clothsimulation and giving nice smooth look without increasing sim time.

11. Its better to cache your simulations rather than just hitting play button.  Because when you press play, you can notscrub back and forth any time since blender not keeping it in memory. So inCloth Cache rollout you will find BAKE button, give any name for a cache andhit hit BAKE to bake the simulation. And Use FREE BAKE to erase the simulation

After Baking "FREE BAKE" button will appear on the same space.

12. Now Letstweak the Cloth collision parameters. 
First thingis to activate “Self Collision” button with decent number of quality value.(More the quality amount more the simulation time)
Keep thedistance high enough.
Change therepel value, which will allow the ball to jump / bounce after collision.Generally keep it between 2.5 to 3.0
(refer thesettings from image)

13. now Bakethe simulation and you will get something like this, which is not giving anygeometry intersections. Cool J

But still weare lacking for its shape and bouncy behavior.

14. In ClothRollout, you will find, Material Parameters. Lets tweak those now,


 Higher the mass, more it will squeeze after collision, so generally keep itaround 1.0 to 2.0


 This value will determine how much the stiff object can be. But if you go toHigher value, it slows the movement. Like a drag force acting on it.
So, keepthat in mind and put the value around 750 to 1200.


This value is more important here, higher yougoes, more it will try to retain its shape even after distortion due to groundcollision. So keep the value around 4500 to 6500.
(depends onscale and mass factor)

Refer thesetting from image

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