
5 Fabulous Girls

photo by me
I am featuring five new blogs today! These blogs were chosen from the Annette Tatum Duvet giveaway entries!
When I started blogging over 2 months ago, you all made me feel so incredibly welcomed.
One of those girls who has made me feel so welcomed I will be featuring next week I can hardly wait!

photo by me
I want to make other girls feel the same way. I decided to do mini interviews with each one of these bloggers, so you can get a little idea of who is behind the blog! I can tell you with emailing back and forth with all five of these girls, they are all incredibly sweet, and have hearts of gold. So I can hardly wait to share them with you!
I think next time I will feature one at a time!
This is really long, but I hope you can take the time to read it.

photo by me
There isn't any specific order that they are listed either!
Just be warned I love lilacs and have been taking a lot of photos with them over the past couple of days! There will be more to come, hopefully you don't mind.
I separated the blogs with these little spice jars.

photo by me
Robyn is the girl who won the

Here is what Robyn emailed me after she won
I'm again so excited, that I can't even tell you how thankful we are! I'm already thinking about my paint color for the walls...we really DO need to paint that room! As you know, often as a mother, our room gets neglected. I'm so excited to have a mini makeover on it! I'll tell you why...Last May I had a lumbar spinal fusion, it was the third spinal surgery for me in 9 months. Please don't misunderstand, I'm NOT feeling sorry for myself. I'm THANKFUL every single day that it is ONLY a degenerative issue. It's not life threatening and MOST important of all, it wasn't happening to my children or my husband. That being said, I currently have to lay down about 3 hours a day, so I'm spending soooo much time in my room. Way more than normal. I could "possibly" be having another surgery to re-fuse and then fuse 3 more vertebrae. I'll find out on Tuesday. Knowing that I'll have a "happy" lovely room to stay in makes it just seem a little more "fun" for lack of a better word! ;-) I also CAN'T wait to show the transformation on my blog! THAT's going to be fun! We already have plans to go to Heaven (I mean Ikea) to get a fluffy down comforter to put inside the duvet as our "gift" to our selves for our 17th wedding anniversary!

I think she is pretty deserving of that new duvet!

photo courtesy of Whimages

What inspired you to start a blog?
I originally started a blog called Whymsey Works . I had been making mini-scrap books to sell (just add photos and journal). A local scrapbook store opened and she contacted me about teaching there. (I was already holding classes in my basement about every 2 weeks). The whimsyworks blog started because I needed someplace to direct students and future students about upcoming classes, techniques and past classes in case they didn't finish. I also shared family stuff and funny stories and photos I had taken. As the classes progressed, many of my students would ask millions of questions about my photos, often saying their book didn't look like mine because of the photos. People started asking me to take family photos and then Whimages was born. It's a play on words of Whimsy and Images ...Whimages. Because my photos are a little bit more "real life" than the posed ones that are common in this area. Then I opened Whimages . As always I shared all kinds of stuff on my blog not just photos, recipes, crazy things my kids said, boxer rescue information (I've volunteered since I was 18 for rescue groups, dog rescue is extremely close to my heart), decorating ideas, links to fabulous stuff on the web etc. Eventually I only used the Whimages blog. Now that I'm not photographing families because of my back, I still share all the other stuff.

What do you hope readers will gain by reading your blog?
I hope readers gain a friend from whimages as well as an occasional giggle, new recipe, cheap decorating idea or a new website they haven't seen. Also, the two most popular searches where my blog is found are: painted black cabinets and various spinal issues. I hope I can share some insight into back problems and various procedures with people all over the world that may be having the same problems. For example, when I had done a web search for one of my procedures (radio frequency ablation, they go in with a 7 inch long needle and burn away the nerves that are hopefully causing the pain with an extremely high radio frequency) all of the info I read from individuals said it was incredibly excruciating, it was barbaric, etc. It totally was not for me. Not that it was a walk in the park ( I didn't even need a sedative) but I'd hate for someone to NOT give it a chance when it could possibly change their life for the better because of the bad reports they read on the internet.

photo courtesy of Whimages
How would you describe your decorating style?
I'm going to say our decorating style because my husband and I are very much a team when it comes to our projects. Our style is definitely cozy, kid friendly (DOG friendly) and on the eclectic side. We LOVE beautiful multi-pieced moldings painted bright glossy white, board and batten walls for a casual feel and hints of color on our walls like the light buttery yellow in our kitchen and foyer and the muted robin-egg blue in the family room above the board and batten. My husband is EXTREMELY handy with tools and wood and if he doesn't know how to do it then my father certainly will. We enjoy mixing new pieces with pieces that have a history to them. Our house always has EXTRA kids in it and on the weekends we usually can't walk across the family room floor because of the misc. kids sleeping on it. I WANT my house to be happy and for everyone to feel welcome. It's loud and chaotic but I wouldn't want it any other way!
photo courtesy of whimages
How has blogging impacted your life?
I enjoy blogging immensely. I know sometimes my posts are even written just for "me"! It feels great to just get something down in writing and we all enjoy going back over the past 4 years or so and reading the stories and looking at the photos. Some day I'd love to pick and choose our favorite posts and use a company like blurb to put them into a book so we can refer to it. I often go to my own blog and put a recipe in the search engine because it's easier than looking it up! I love when my friends say they enjoy reading it because they feel like I'm just talking to them. I write basically as I am talking to a friend and I think that's the best compliment. My friend Stephanie says she feels I'm just writing for her! LOL

lilac photo by me

The second blog I am introducing is Zaira's blog, Little Emma English Home.
She is a sweet girl and I can hardly wait to follow her blog as she just moved into her first home she can call her own. I love all the inspiring pictures Zaira provides us with on her blog. She also has a great giveaway going on right now as well.

Sweet Zaira in Scotland on holiday

What inspired you to start blogging?

I started blogging because I felt not satisfied about my life, especially about my job. I felt that I was ignoring my interior life and needed to do something about it. I also felt “blocked” about my life choices. One evening I was at the cinema watching the movie “Julie & Julia” in which the protagonist changed her life by starting a blog, so I thought it could be a good idea to do something nice for myself. I didn’t know much about blogging before that night…

photo credit Anna French

Inspiring photos found on Little Emma English Home Blog

What will readers learn from your blog?

I’m conscious that there are many “professional” interior blogs and many blogger who do this better than me. They do an extraordinary work and I learn a lot from them, they inspire me and teach me how I can make my blog more interesting. When I started, I just wanted to create a space where I can share what I like and who I am. But now has become more than this and I feel a sort of “responsibility” towards the affectionate people who follow me day by day, I wish to find new ideas for them, new inspiring blogs, or simply share something more about my life with them. I hope they could find a sort of virtual place where we could all meet and share a nice time together. Some of them have become my friends, they write me wonderful mails, encourage me, are happy for my success. I sincerely want to share all those things with them, I really care.

photo credit~ Mari Eriksson ~Helena Skarp blog

I discovered this blog because of Zaira

What part of the country are you from?

I live in a small town south Milan called Lodi. It’s an historic town, very pretty, although the area is often grey and foggy in winter. But in summer I like to walk in the beautiful squared piazza or just drink cappuccino in one of the cafes that are all around the square. I like it because it’s very closed to important cities like Milan, Parma, Piacenza, Cremona. So sometimes, on Saturday morning, when I have nothing better to do, I get into my car and drive down there for some shopping at the markets or just to visit them.

How would you describe your decorating style?

I really don’t know how to describe my style. I like to mix many things: country, shabby, Scandinavian, french. I like romantic accents but not too much flowers or pink and not too many laces, vintage…I am a simple girl and I like simple things, neat shapes, daily life objects to be used in an alternative way. I like natural tones but also accents of colours. For example, I’m planning my kitchen with white furniture, white woods on the walls but all my utensils and fabrics are red. And for my bathroom a sort of Provence theme with lavender soaps, lavender towels and pictures on the walls. I like to give a colour theme to the rooms but without monotony. I am very attentive to the colour combination, the palette, it’s essential to me because I think they can warm or cool a room, they make the difference.

photo credit unknown

inspiring photos found on Little Emma English Home

How did you come up with the name for your blog?

I’ve been thinking a lot about it, I wanted to find something that could reflect my love for English culture and its way of living, for it has always fascinated me so much. Emma is the name I would choose for my daughter, so the name of the blog refers to the kind of home I would build for my family.

How has blogging had an impact on your life?

Blogging gave me the courage to do those things I’ve always delayed because I felt not ready: find a house, search for a new job, do something for myself. Now I’m really addicted to it…And it gave me the chance to meet wonderful ladies not only from Italy,but from around the world. They inspire me a lot and I really hope to meet some of them in person sooner or later. I would like to finish this interview saying thank you Maria from the bottom of my heart, I feel honoured and happy to be here in your beautiful blog.

lilac photo by me
The third blog is Tara's blog from Between You and Me.
She is one sweet girl I just love this family photo of hers. She has a very cute inspiring blog.

Photo courtesy of Between you and Me

What inspired you to start a blog?

I found my first blog, Bring the Rain, about 3 years ago. I was so inspired by Angie's story and her faith in the midst of losing a child. Her honesty and transparency reached into my soul and touched me in such a deep way. I had no idea that there were decorating blogs out there until I eventually stumbled onto My Sweet Savannah, Life in Grace, The Inspired Room and Nesting Place. I was so inspired by all of these women and the lives that they are living that I decided to join the fun!

photo courtesy of Between You and Me
How did you come up with name of your blog?

I have to admit that coming up with a name for my blog was SO hard! I'm sure that I jotted down about 50 names before settling on "between you & me." Naming my children wasn't near as hard as naming this blog! I wish I could take credit for the name, but my husband actually came up with it when he was tweaking a picture of our family with our kids between us for my very first header. When he said it, it stuck! The name explains what the purpose of my blog is, which is to share my life with my readers, in hopes that they'll be inspired.

Photo courtesy from Between You and Me

What do you hope your readers will gain from your blog?

I love living life intentionally and transparently, and I want my readers to be inspired to love the life that they are living and not be afraid to live it before others.

How do you describe your decorating style?

I guess most would say that I have an eclectic style. I'm most inspired by cottage style living and farmhouse living. I've definitely become more confident in what I know that I love and want to surround myself with in the past several years. I'm no professional, but here are some of the decorating rules that I live by...I love mixing old with new. I love creamy whites with punches of color! Bright sunlight and plants work magic for any home. I'm a fan of buying art that you love, and I prefer a few big spectacular pieces of furniture over a lot of little pieces any day! You can learn a lot about your decorating style by looking at all the pictures featured out in blogland. If I'm drawn to a picture, then I like to think about what aspect of the picture has inspired me and then find a way to implement it in our home

photo courtesy from Between You and Me

Thanks Tara! She is the sweetest girl!

Between You and Me

lilac photo by me

The fourth blog is the talented Tracey's blog from

What inspired you to start a blog?

My life-long friend, Michelle, has a blog and was always telling me that I would love blogging if I gave it a try......and she was right :) I'm hooked!! I had no idea there was such an amazing world of lovely bloggers out there, and once I got looking around at all of the inspiring blogs, I couldn't wait to start one of my own.

What do you hope your readers will gain from your blog?

I feel so honored that there are people out there who would ever be interested in my little blog! I hope that in some way I can maybe inspire others in the same way I've been inspired by other wonderful blogs like Dreamy Whites! I'm all about thrift shopping and making things I love out of otherwise unnoticed/discarded items. Maybe in some way my blog will help someone to see the potential in an old piece of furniture or those half-full paint cans in the garage!

How do you describe your decorating style?

I am all over the place with my decorating style, and it just seems to evolve every day. I have loved vintage furniture ever since I was a little girl, and just can't get enough of it. My style is a little bit shabby-chic, a little bit modern-vintage...and a little bit romantic. With a bit of a retro flair. I love all things girly....which proves to be a bit difficult in a house full of boys! Somehow I'm managing to pull-off the huge pink camellia in my living room....so far no complaints.

photo courtesy from My House of Giggles
How did you come up with name of your blog?

I am so blessed to live in a happy home full of giggling and fun. My boys have the most contagious giggles and I just simply can't get enough! I wanted a sort of light-hearted name for my blog...and I think it sums us up pretty well.

photo courtesy of My House of Giggles

How has blogging impacted your life?

Blogging has made me feel like "me" again....and not just a 24 hour nursing/diaper-changing/sleep-deprived mama :). I am a stay-at-home mom, with a business background, and as much as I adore being a mom (and feel very lucky to be able to stay at home with my boys!!), I love how this world of blogging gives me a little outlet to the "real world". It gives me that little extra push I need to get things done around my house! I appreciate each and every comment that is left for me, and get great encouragement from them all.
photo courtesy of My House of Giggles
Where are you from?
I am from Vancouver, BC, Canada

Tracey also has a giveaway going on!! You don't want to miss it.

photo by me
The fifth blog is the sweet Flaviana from Maison Des Lilas blog, I love all these pictures she took!

photo by Flaviana
Tell us something about you!
About me, I live in north east Italy, about 30 miles from beautiful Venice. I am a senior executive at a company that exports furniture all around the world. My job is brilliant because it allows me to know many interesting people of all nationalities and I can speak my favorite languages (English and French!).
What inspired you to start a blog?
I decided to start my humble blog because I had just finished decorating my new, first house and was so full of excitement and enthusiasm for everything “interior” related. I wanted to share that with others women like me. I am so happy I did! At first I was sure no one would have ever read it .. But then I started to receive the first comments of encouragements, of friendship and a whole new world opened up to me. Sometimes I think one of the best things ever about blogging is having the chance to get to know, even if in cyber space only, fantastic women who inspire me and spur me to be more daring and creative and open to the world. The things I’m learning are countless! The kind words I receive everyday make me burst with happiness, I don’t mean the compliments (which of course I like !!) but it’s the words of encouragement, even just an “hello, have a nice day” that brighten my day the most ! Some girls I can call friends now and that is really priceless!
photo by Flaviana
How would you describe your blog?
My blog is like me, simple but colorful, romantic and full of ideas..well at least this is how I hope it is perceived ! It’s my happy little place where I can daydream freely.

photo by Flaviana
How did you come up with the name for your blog?
I chose that name mainly because lilac is my favorite flower but also because once, when I was traveling through the French countryside I saw a beautiful, small and old farmhouse surrounded by lilac trees ..I fell in love with it and couldn’t get it out of my head (I still can’t!).
What is your favorite decorating style?
My favorite decorating style.. oh, that’s a tricky one! Surely everything French, but also English cottage style, rustic, Scandinavian.. I like to mix and match!

photo by Flaviana

photo by me
I hope you all get a chance to say hello to these incredible girls!
I have had so much fun emailing them this past week. They are all very inspiring!

photo by me
I will be hosting another giveaway at the beginning of May, and I will choose 5 blogs to feature from the entries. I want to thank all of you for participating in my last giveaway.

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I also want to thank Annette Tatum for sponsoring such a generous giveaway. Which by the way you should make sure you check out her blog! She has a very inspiring blog. Not only is this woman an extremely gifted designer, she is an incredible person. I can't say enough good things about her book, The Well-Dressed home! You can purchase her book on her website for a discounted price~ Annette Tatum! Also you never know when she might be giving away something incredible from her House Inc. Line!

photo by me
Thank you again for all of your friendships! I am loving the journey that I am on right now!
You girls are the ones who make this journey so much fun for me!!!

Thank You!

photo by me

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