
The Girl Behind Sweet as a Candy

Federica is the girl behind the famous blog Sweet as a Candy!
She is a lawyer with a lot of style, who lives in Italy and has a fabulous blog.
I want to dedicate this post to my sweet and very talented (and gorgeous) friend from Italy!
I know a lot of you know her already, but just in case a few of you don't, I would like to introduce her to you! Federica is the kindest person.
Federica was kind enough to let me use some of her photographs from her blog for this post.
All the photographs you see on this post are taken by Federica.
She takes beautiful photographs. I love it when she shows us glimpses of Italy and her home through her lens.
I have always wanted to go to Italy, so to visit her blog is always a treat!

I asked Federica if she would let me ask her a few questions~

I hope you enjoy my little interview

Thank you Federica.

Maria ~ I love your blog, Sweet as a Candy. I think you do such a great job of incorporating interior design, fashion, baking, ideas for parties, and fun things about Italy, all on your blog! Your blog is full of inspiration! What inspired you to start a blog?
Federica~ First of all let me thank you. I am so glad for this post. I am a huge fan of Dreamy Whites and I am honored to be featured on your blog. I started Sweet as a Candy over one year ago. I was, and I am still full of ideas, projects, inspiring pictures, brands, and many other things to share with others. I was already following many American and European blogs that I loved, so I've decided to start my own blog.

Maria~ I love the name of your blog, Sweet as a Candy, I think it is a very fitting name for your blog. How did you come up with the name, Sweet as a Candy?

Federica~I thought that this name could perfectly fit with my sense of style and personal tastes, which include girly, romantic, shabby and provencal.

Maria~ I love your decorating style, how would you describe your style?

Federica~Well my decorating style is a combination of styles. I love country french, shabby chic, and scandinavian design. It can be summed up with one word: Romantic!

Maria~Who is your favorite interior designer?

Federica~ One of my favorite interior designers is Emanuela Marchesini, a talented Italian interior decorator. She is amazing and I truly love her sense of style. Romantic, french and country, all at the same time. Her work represents my taste perfectly.

Maria~What is your favorite design book?

Federica~Oh well I have so many favorite design books. I love collecting them, and I love looking at their gorgeous pictures for some ideas and inspiration. I have several design books...

Maria~ Who is your favorite fashion designer?

Federica~ Hoss Intropia. Absolutely. Feminine and sophisticated. Hoss's dresses are never too much for my wardrobe. I love many other brands as well. I have a thing for fashion, I know. I love clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery... I wish I could wear Chanel, their clothes presents a classic and timeless aesthetic, always fit for the modern day but presenting a more classical charm. Tres chic!
Maria~What is it like to live in Italy?

Federica~Living in Italy is so much fun! I love my country and I am proud to be Italian. We have so many gorgeous places and such a fantastic history. The weather is usually always nice, life-style is very good, great food, great wines, open mind and total freedom. We obviously have some bad aspects, but I love our "Italian Style of Living"! The way of life is relaxed and we know how to enjoy life!

Maria~ Where is your favorite place to shop?

Federica~There are several pretty boutiques in my hometown, Bologna, but two of them are absolutely my favorite. One of them is called, Camera con Vista. It really is a magical place in an old gorgeous old square. But I love to shop online as well, I shop there for clothes, home accessories, and many other things!

Maria~I dream about visiting Italy, Do you have a place that you dream about visiting?

Federica~Yes I do. I love to travel and there are many places I'd like to visit Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Polynesia, and many more. I also love your amazing country and I'd like to visit America again. There are so many beautiful places to see and Americans are fantastic. I haven't ever been to California and it is on my list of places to see.
Thanks Federica for the interview!

Now some pictures of Federica's home!

This is a picture of Federica's living room! I love her white furnishings, I love the mirror she has above the couch. Her home is simple but still has so much style.

I love how she displays family photographs in her home.
Federica has such a great sense of style.

I love her bedroom~ very romantic, but yet simple.

She sets a table so beautifully!

I have learned so much from Federica.

She makes the cutest little flags to adorn her baked goods.

These pictures remind me of what you would see in the Martha Stewart Magazine.

Federica knows how to make her guests feel special.

A gift she wrapped for a friend.

This is just a small sampling of what you get when you visit
I know I feel lucky to have gotten to know Federica through blogging and emailing each other! As you can see she is a very talented girl. She is also a very kind person. I cherish her friendship.

Please stop over and say Hi to Federica. You really need to take the time and go through her blog. It is worth it.
I hope Federica doesn't mind, but I ended up using a lot of her pictures. I couldn't help myself. You all know how I am about pictures!
Thank you Federica for letting me use so many of your photographs!
One more thing~ Federica is always hosting a great giveaway!
That is just a little added bonus when you follow her blog.

This blog world is simply amazing. I cherish the friendships I have made in the 2 1/2 months that I have been blogging! I am very thankful to be apart of this blog world.
I will be back on Thursday instead of Tuesday, with 5 new blogs that were chosen from the giveaway entries.
I hope you all had a great Easter!
Take Care,

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