
Tracey~The girl behind French Larkspur & a Thank You

I want to share someone with you that is incredibly talented.
She can make any room feel heavenly.
Not only is she talented, but she is such a genuine person.
She also has a great home interiors shop, called French Larkspur.

Tracey was kind enough to let me do a little interview with her, and she also has allowed for me to share some incredible pictures of her home!
Thank you Tracey!

What inspired you to start a blog?

I always loved going on the Scandinavian blogs and looking at all of their beautiful decorating, but I was basically too "chicken" to start my own. When I made the decision to start my own online shop, I decided it was finally time to get over my fears and start my own blog. I needed a way to get my name out there for the sake of my shop. As I started blogging, I quickly discovered that I was going to LOVE having my own blog regardless of whether or not my shop did well or remained open. I had finally found the creative outlet that I so very much needed and wanted!

What was the inspiration behind the name you chose for your blog?

I love to garden...I also love all things French. When I was trying to come up with a name for my shop and blog, I happened to glance at a packet of seeds that I had recently planted called Imperial Larkspur French Alouette, and I thought to myself, "Hey, what about French Larkspur?" The name stuck!

Where are you from?

I am from Illinois. I grew up in the same town my whole life until I went away to college. My parents still live in that same childhood house of mine. Going there still brings me great comfort.

How would you describe your decorating style?

My deorating style was quite modern when I first married my husband, so the evolution that my style has taken has been a bit of a rough road for him :) I began liking the "shabby chic" style of painted, chippy white furniture, lots of florals and strong doses of pink about 7 or 8 years ago. I loved that the style was so kid friendly, but fresh and homey at the same time. Eventually I started incorporating some French style pieces into my look and continue to adore all things French! The Scandinavian style of using a clean white pallette has been the biggest influence on me in the last year or two. I have stream lined my look and pared down to what vintage pieces I love the most. Of course I still go crazy for white, but I have found a passion for grey as well, and have heavily toned down the pink and florals in my home.

What is your favorite room in your home, and why?

My dining room is my favorite room. I recently switched my living room and dining room so that now the dining room is the bigger of the two rooms. I love to entertain and take special care to set a beautiful table {when I can find the time}, so it only made sense for the dining room to be in the bigger of the two rooms. I also love this room the most because it gets so much afternoon sun and I adore a sun-filled room. I don't allow my little ones in there, so it gives me a chance to do more of what I really want in terms of decorating, without worrying so much if it's baby proof or not!

What is your favorite find?

My favorite find is the very large mirror that is in my foyer... it is something that you see immediately upon entering my home. It was probably salvaged from an old Victorian home when the home was being torn down and it takes up almost the entire wall in the foyer. My husband hated it when he first saw it {in part because it weighs about 150 lbs. and he needed to figure out how we were going to get it home}, but as people have complimented it over the years he has grown to appreciate it a little more!

What is your favorite Design book?

Right now, I get the most inspiration from the Danish magazine Jeanne d' Arc Living and the Norwegian magazine Vakre Hjem. I still get a little giddy with excitement when a new issue arrives at my door :)

What inspired you to start your home interiors shop, French Larkspur?
When I was first exposed to the Jeanne d' Arc Living books and magazines I just couldn't get enough. I fell deeply in love with the gorgeous look they were showing that so seemlessly weaved a religious influence into their decorating. I started thinking, outloud, to myself that I should import their products and start my own shop {basically inorder to get my hands on the goods for myself} My husband heard what I was saying and instead of telling me I was a little crazy for thinking the idea, he blurted out one day, "Why don't you just go for it?" And so I did...

Do you have any advice to give to others who are thinking about opening up a home interiors shop?

My best advice for anyone who is thinking of opening up their own home interiors shop is, buy what you love! If you are passionate about the items you carry it makes it so much more fun to do your "job."

Your photographs are always beautiful, have you taken photography classes?

Well thank you! No, I have never taken any photography classes, although I would like to. When I first bought my SLR camera last July, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I LOVED photography!!! It is an extension of the decorating that I so enjoy and a wonderful creative outlet for me. I am totally hooked on learning everything about photography!

What kind of camera do you shoot with?

I have a Canon Rebel XS.

Do you have a project that you are working on now?

I am currently trying to find a new {old} buffet for my dining room, as well as "spruce" up my son's room and my own bedroom. We are installing hardwood flooring in my son's room to help cut down on his allergies and I have convinced my hubby that a painted white floor would look great!

I also want to thank Tracey for the incredibly sweet gifts I recently received from her.
This is how my gifts arrived.
Everything was wrapped so beautifully I didn't even want to open the packages.

Tracey puts a lot of thought into how she wraps her gifts.
I can't tell you how special I felt when I received this package.

I love all of her thoughtful details.

I love this metal letter M.
How sweet is that.

Look at this adorable bird confetti.
The birds are all made from paper that has french print on it.

There were a number of them sweetly placed around the packages.

Here is what I received...
I felt really SPECIAL!

I can't tell you how inspiring this magazine is.
I love it.
I learned about Jeanne d' Arc Living, because of following Tracey's blog.
She sells Jeanne d' Arc Living items and their magazine in her shop...

Love this Jeanne' d' Arc Living herb bag!

Then there was this pillow slip....
It is really lovely and can be found in Tracey's shop.

The material is really soft & I love the color.
I love how it looks with my other pillows.

I love these little french flashcards that have a key attached to them with a ribbon.

Thank you Tracey, I LOVE everything!
Tracey you never fail to amaze me with your talents.

You are such a wonderful friend and such an inspiration to so many of us.

She also has a great online shop, where you can find many wonderful Jeanne d' Arc Living products, called French Larkspur.

Thank you Tracey for your friendship!

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