
Hello Everyone!
I first want to thank everyone who has participated in my french ticking pillow giveaway, I really appreciate it.

Today, I thought I would share a few pictures of my dining room with you.
My mom and brother were here visiting a couple of weeks ago, so I snapped a few pictures of the way I set my table for dinner.

I kept it very simple....
I used french canning jars to hold roses from my garden.

I clipped a few hydrangeas from the garden.
Since it is at the end of the hydrangea blooming season, the flowers do not wilt very easily, so I was able to just add them to the table without needing any water.

I am addicted to this sparkling lemonade.
The brand is called Lorina, and is a product of France.
I buy mine at Safeway.
I love to have them sitting out on the table in these french bottle carriers.
If you do not have access to fresh flowers this is a fun way to add color to your table.

My mom made the table runner for me.
I will be selling runners like these in the shop.
I love using a french red stripe runner in my dining room.

The glasses are from Anthropolgie.
I like to only use these on special occasions....
They help add a little bit of color to the table...

I have a mismatched collection of bistro chairs.
I think having them all be different colors makes the table more interesting...
One of my favorite chairs is the orange one....

All of my plates are mismatched as well.
I have found most of my ironstone plates at local tag sales.

I made blackberry pie for dessert.

I hope you are all having a great week.
I have to apologize for not being able to get back to everyone lately....
I am hoping to catch up on my emails this weekend!
Take Care,

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