
Coming Soon: The mez Template

Finally, the appetite is coming again. It’s not about anything or something clip_image001 but the appetite to create templates for blogger. The mez template, the name given for my new template, seems to be quite cool.
The mez template is going to be launched soon when all structures is done. If you want to see the live demo, click the image below.

The mez Template Features

* Light weight
The mez only uses less image media in the background, so it will be very lightweight to access.
* Auto Read more
For those who want to get easiness in the read more function, the mez really has that for you because it has been completed with the auto read more function, although there is also normal read more function without auto read more script. One again, the auto read more function has been conditioned in order not to conflict with static page.
* CSS sprite Subscribe icon
Subscribe icon has adopted the CSS sprite technique so the hover effect would be so beautiful but still be lightweight to load.
css sprite
* Easy Add menu Links
To overcome the inconvenience that most beginners experience when they edit the links in Navigation Menu by opening the HTML Edit page, the mez has been designed easier to edit the Navigation Menu links through Page Element.
configure link list
* Mini Icon
You can insert the Mini Icon for a better appearance at any element.
mini icon
* Easy Remove Hide Navbar script
If you are worried about removing Blogger Navbar through its script, now you can remove it through Page Element that allows the Blogger Navbar works normally.
delete navbar
* Cross-Browser Compatibility
The mez has been tested with major modern browsers such as Firefox 3.6.1, Google Chrome, Opera 10.10, Safari 4.0.4, Internet Explorer 8, and the result is satisfying.
For Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), in general it can be said compatible, but for some functions such as transparent image function and rounded border are not supported.

Sponsored Links

If you want to be a sponsor in this template, I have provided two sponsorship links in the footer for a lifetime sponsorship.
If you are interested, please contact Kang Rohman quickly because those who are quick, those who get. clip_image002


This The mez is the first version. Perhaps, I will make some variations for the next time, e.g. Left Sidebar Layout version, Magazine Style Layout, Color Options, and more.
What do you think about The mez Template? Voice out your comments!

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