
Get out! One of my DIY Tutorials Featured On TheNateShow.com!

How to Make Chalkboard Lamps
Give your old lamps a new look with help from design blogger Janell Beals.

What a thrill, I am exited to share that my post showing how to make chalkboard lamps has become a tutorial on thenateshow.com! Check it out here...

When I painted the chalkboard lamps it was on a whim. I had a pair of lamps that needed an update to fit into the new design plan for Max's room and I just happened to have some extra chalkboard paint on hand, left over from painting the chalkboard stripe in his room. Nothing like needing to figure out how to use what you already have to inspire creativity. I'm certainly happy I thought up the project now...

Okay, I promise, no more Nate for awhile! Maybe...

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