
A mirror and a holiday wreath

Hello Everyone!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
I have to tell you Bethany had a lot of fun reading the comments you left about her giraffe.....
Thank you for making her day!

I wanted to share a few sneak pictures with you of one of my mirrors...

I actually traded this mirror for one of my pillows.

I am not sure how old it is.

I love the color of the frame.....

I love the patina on the mirror...
I will show you what I am doing with this mirror next week.

On another note.....

I am teaming up with Wintersteen Farms next week, we will be doing a fun holiday giveaway together...  We will be combining a few holiday items from my (soon to open) shop and a Wintersteen Wreath!

I know the owners of Wintersteen Farms, personally.
Jeff is my cousin, and I know first hand how talented he is.  He built my parents a beautiful new home, after the house I grew up in sadly burned down.  It was an emotional time for all of us, as we couldn't imagine not being able to come home to the house we grew up in.  After all my dad had built our house...How do you replace that....
Jeff built my parents a beautiful house....and I know my parents love their home!
Thank you Jeff and Kelly!

Jeff and Kelly sent me a little write up on how Wintersteen Farms was born.

Jeff has been a "Boutique Builder" for over 10 years.  He has built high-end homes that are very unique,  Each home Jeff has always brought in vintage pieces and designed them into the homes to make them look like they have been there for years.  His mom Sonya is a realtor and has always loved showing Jeff's spec homes, because people get so excited when they go from room to room.  From the light fixtures to the corbels on the fireplace to hardware on the doors and cabinets....each home is unique- one of a kind.  
Now that the building industry has slowed, Jeff has found himself still in construction, mostly doing remodels.  We have always been people who try to see outside the box and in regards to Wintersteen Farms, the box was right outside our window.  We have lived on a 36 acre tree farm for over 12 years and have sold wreath material on a small scale for many of the 12 years.  With the building industry slowing we decided to make this more than a hobby.  Our property has 36 acres of beautiful noble and douglas trees and we have decided to take our business to the next level of not just selling wreath material, but making them ourselves and as in the homes that Jeff has built, paying that special attention to detail.  Each wreath is hand-crafted and placed in a crystal clear bag, next placed in our signature brown box with tissue and raffia ribbon.  We want people to remember Wintersteen Farms for years to come.  From the moment they open the box and smell the fresh scent of the Northwest, we want them to remember that each wreath is a gift, whether it is bought for yourself or for that someone special, it's a gift.  Start a new tradition with Wintersteen Farms, you will not be disappointed.

Thank you Jeff and Kelly!
I hope you get a chance to visit Wintersteen Farms.
They are located in Oregon.
They have a beautiful family too.

Shop News
I also wanted to let you know that I am hoping to open my online shop the beginning of December.
The talented
is designing my site, and will also be giving my blog a bit of a makeover!

I can hardly wait!

Have a great week!
Take Care,

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