
Weekend Wrap Up

We have had a very busy weekend, and it is only the beginning I am sure!  Friday was the last day of school until Spring Break, and while some people are still getting icy temperatures we are lucky enough to live in a vacation spot.  With this comes SPRING BREAKERS (UGH!! It is hard to believe that only 8 years ago I was one of them) and they bring with them TRAFFIC!  I wanted to go to the beach, it is a high of 74' today....but we will not fight the party, and just wait a few more weeks..

I began working on this bear of a project, painting my sewing table....I thought I took a before picture...but it is missing, so you will just have to wait until next weekend to see the after!

On Saturday, my Girl Scout Troop went to a council event, Magical Adventures!  We played and sang songs and concocted potions....we also dressed up
This is Glenda the Good Witch enjoying a worm for snack!

We have also enjoyed a bunch of this...
ooooooh annnnd I got a new lens for my camera!  I am new at the whole photog thing, but I will treat you to one more pic...
Good bye for now!!

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