
Antique French Cafe Au Lait Bowls.....Pale and Interesting....Decorate....

I hope you are all having a great week!
I have been busy these past couple of weeks and haven't had a chance to blog.
Just a warning this is going to be a random long post....
I have a few things to share with all of you..
I first wanted to share two decorating books with you that I think you will enjoy...

The first one is Decorate written by Holly Becker (Decor8) and
Joanna Copestick.
This book is filled with so many useful and beautiful decorating ideas you won't be able to put it down.
The authors of this book, provide you with decorating ideas using many different styles of homes.
I think that is what I love the most about Decorate, it isn't a book geared towards just one style,
anyone can pick this book up and find great ideas (more then a 1000  ideas) for their home.

Atlanta Bartlett teaches you how to keep your home simple, real, and relaxed, and
you will learn how to create a stylish and comfortable home using pale shades of color.
I have learned so much valuable information by reading Atlanta Bartlett's books.
Really you can't go wrong purchasing one of Atlanta Bartlett's books.

On another note....
I wanted to share a few pictures of my cafe au lait bowls.
I decided to list some of my cafe au lait bowls in my shop last week.
I have been collecting antique french cafe au lait bowls for a number of years now, and decided
to start selling them in my shop.

Cafe au lait bowls are used in France to serve coffee or hot chocolate.

I fell in love with this set of enamelware cafe au lait bowls.

I wasn't expecting them to go so quickly : (
I think they look so beautiful stacked together in a grouping.

I use mine for about everything.....

They also make great vases....

Cafe au lait bowls come in many different shapes and colors.....

You can find them with beautiful bright color patterns.....

or you can find them in a beautiful creamy white color....
I happen to love both styles.

If you would like to see a beautiful collection of these bowls you can do so by clicking 

You will now be able to find cafe au lait bowls in my shop.....

I also wanted to share a few pictures of new items I had added to my shop this past week....

These porcelain topped canning jars are a favorite of mine.
I am hoping to find more of these soon.....

I also added this rustic french zinc bowl to my site last week.

It has the best patina on the inside of the bowl....

It was once used to hold water for washing your face.....
This bowl would have been paired with a zinc pitcher.

I am hoping to find more bowls like it for my shop....

 I like how this rustic zinc bowl looks paired with the marble topped table.

I also added more zinc pitchers to my site last week.....

I was able to find two of these unusual zinc pitchers with lids....

I am always drawn to rustic french zinc pitchers.....

I will be adding more vintage french baskets to my site over the next couple of weeks as well.

On a final note.....

I just had to share a few pictures of Bethany's lop-eared bunnies.
Bethany raises rabbits, and it is always a treat when we have these little guys

My kids are busy getting ready to take their steers to the fair....
Our fair is at the end of July, so I might be a little absent over the next couple of weeks.
I hope you all are enjoying your summer....
Take Care,

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