
What Was He Thinking & How Did I Let It Happen?!

Looking at the below curiosity, is it no wonder it's taken me years to let my husband have an opinion in the decorating process again? I listened once, when we moved into our first home, and this is what happened. Unfortunately, it has followed us to two more homes.

I have no words...

...except to say I've finally convinced the guilty party to allow it to be listed on Craigslist.

Once it's gone, this recessed area in the bonus room can be put to better use. What potential, filling the space with a filing cabinet providing a ton of storage and perhaps shelving placed above?


Something more along these lines for the cabinet would make me very happy!

I only hope there is one other person in the world, preferably near us, whose taste is line with the Mr.'s from several years ago. 

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