
French Farmhouse Table Setting, Blueberries, French Transferware, and a Dreamy Whites Online Shop $200.00 Gift Card Giveaway.....

I hope you are all enjoying your week!
First of all I would like to thank each and everyone of you who left such kind comments on my blog and facebook page about my daughter Bethany's haircut.
Bethany says thank you too.

Giveaway information....
Today I am hosting a  giveaway!
The winner will receive a 200.00 Gift Card to my shop dreamywhitesonline.com.
All you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post....
For additional entries.....
and if you would like extra entries you can post about the giveaway to any of your social networking sites.... such as twitter, facebook, and or blogger...
You must leave a separate comment for each site you post about the giveaway too...
Winner will be chosen by random number
Giveaway will end August 20th.
Anonymous entries please make sure you leave an email address with your entry.
Thank you!
**Giveaway is open to all international readers**

On another note....

 I have to apologize for taking forever to get this post up....
My daughter, Nicole helped me with the table setting.....
I want to say Happy Birthday to my sweet Nicole.
Nicole turns 17 tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Nicole!

I ended up having to retake pictures and decided to change up the table setting more then just a little bit.

The trick to getting those blueberries to float is....
If you are just adding blueberries to water, then if you pop the 
blueberries into the freezer then they will float... : )

However if you are using a drink like Lorina Lemonade that contains carbonated water.....

Then they will float forever.....

I used an antique french bar glass carrier to hold the hydrangeas in.
I was hoping to find a few more blue hydrangeas in my garden for this particular table setting...
I ended up finding mostly green hydrangeas.
Almost all of my hydrangeas have turned green, it happens every year at about this time....
I do love the green color too...

I threw a blue and pink striped grain sack across the table.
I love how this french transferware plate looks paired with this rugged grain sack....

I added blueberries to these antique french jam pots instead of flowers....

Mix and match vintage silverware for a farmhouse feel.

I chose to use this darker blue french transferware instead of the light green transferware,
I wanted a little more contrast with the green hydrangeas.
I didn't want everything to match.

I will be adding french transferware plates to my shop over the next couple of days also.

I will be adding new items to my shop all week!
I will also be holding a sale until September 1st.
Select items will be marked down starting today.

 Giveaway information in case you missed it at the top of the post....
Today I am hosting a giveaway!
The winner will receive a 200.00 Gift Card to my shop dreamywhitesonline.com.
All you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post....
For additional entries.....
and if you would like extra entries you can post about the giveaway to any of your social networking sites.... such as twitter, facebook, and or blogger...
You must leave a separate comment for each site you post about the giveaway too...
Winner will be chosen by random number
Giveaway will end August 20th.
Anonymous entries please make sure you leave an email address with your entry.
**Giveaway is open to international readers**
Thank you!

You can find me on facebook here...
You can find me on twitter here....

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