
Painting: Check!

Inspired by wallpaper...

...and some Ikea Chocolate...
(3 for $2.49 I tell you!)

...the bonus room painting is done, a deep rich brown.

While light paint colors are all the rage at the moment, for some reason dark just speaks to me in my own home. I think it helps remove the "builder grade" aspect from the home and highlight the trim in the rooms.

I did end up bringing the white floor lamp home from Ikea.
(Actually went back for another and they were all sold out! Oh well...)

It looks great paired with the chair, ottoman and media console we picked out several years ago for our first house. The throw was another item from Ikea, which I bought back when I was working on Max's room. The color didn't quite work in that project, but I'm thinking it is a great start for some color inspiration in this room.

Then I remembered these prints ordered last year. More yellow!
I'm back to Ikea to find frames.

And...I need to think positive as I start on the next little project for this room, installing shelving above the filing cabinets. 

I had some lengths of MDF, intended for shelving with one finished rounded edge, cut to size at Home Depot.

Along with the help of some other supplies, I'm hoping to get them hung without too much trouble!

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