
A Follow Up

A couple weeks ago I posted this print and my friend Courtney promptly fired off an email inquiring if everything was alright. Or was I just being sappy. Ha, yes, I do tend to have a penchant for being sappy, though I do my best to control it.
{mod art poster via ModMenento}

Everything was fine, I was just celebrating! If you are a consultation in the technology field, or are married to, dating or know of someone in this line of work, you know that travel is a constant. That is, or was, my husband. Over all the years I've know him I've nearly followed him around the world, and once we had children, I dragged them along when I could. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a passport photo of an infant, sitting up? To fly to Singapore with a 10 week old? Actually she was a doll and didn't cry once, simply amazing. 

Well finally, after many many many years, and countless miles...

(And the perks of constant travel, which will be the only thing sorely missed: Does anyone remember this post of the shack we were set up in at one resort?!)

..he is home. 
Working in the town we live in. A cause for celebration to be certain.

So yes, home is where the husband is. And now that doesn't mean jumping on a plane to follow.

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