
Getting Paint Right...It Isn't Always Easy!

If you've been reading along, you know my attempt at painting the walls in my kitchen a deep gray/blue was a disaster. {see here} So I immediately decided to go back to the original color, I didn't want to look at it for more than a day!

However, irritated at the idea of completely wasting the effort it took to paint the space, I decided to return to a lighter color using a series of washes, instead of just rolling on a new layer of the original color. Perhaps I could return the walls to their lighter state while retaining a hint of gray peeking through.

I'm not going to say it has been a quick process...

First a layer of the original color, SW Universal Khaki, was washed over the SW Foggy Day. Hum. Too much gray showing through the color. So I went a step lighter, adding more layers using SW Softer Tan, the cabinetry color. 

                                                And the family keeps asking, "you're painting, again?!"

Yes. Yes I am.

But look, it's nearly there! I'll keep you posted.

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