
Some Photoshop Tips for enhancing Architectural Photographs

I'm sure many of you are very experienced Photoshop users, so I won't bore you with too much detail.  There are just two things I wanted to mention:
  1. If you have a photo that was taken in less-than-perfect light, try the Image - Adjustments - Shadow/Highlight tool.  Some experimentation with this adjustment can yield very good results.
  2. One principle of Architectural Photography is that of Straight Verticals.  If you have an image that has warped verticals due to perspective, you can use the Filter - Distort - Lens Correction tool in Photoshop.
Here is an example:

Original Photograph

Adjusted Shadow / Highlight and Lens Correction

For more photography and composition principles, check out AB4061 Is That a Photograph? Architectural Photography for 3D Rendering

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