
Grasshopper to Revit via IFC

Would you be interested in getting your Grasshopper models into Revit via IFC? Geometry Gym have started looking at this using the Revit SDK. Quote and link below:

...with a few Geometry Gym users looking for a work flow to get Grasshopper models into Revit, I've been looking for improved ways to do this using the Revit SDK. I started looking at direct model interaction, but for technical and practical reasons have decided a neutral bridge is the best way to do this. Most of my c# IFC code is reusable (with some interaction changes) as a Revit plugin (this is my first plugin outside of the Rhino/Grasshopper environment), and I've today posted an example import of a steel frame roof (British Museum Great Court Roof) using my own IFC engine.

Geometry Gym: Revit IFC Plugin by Geometry Gym

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