
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor

Here’s World War II real-time strategy that’ll have you rubbing your eyes while scratching your head with stupendous visuals and taxing scenarios.Whereas most first-person action games are geared to offer a harrowing immersive experience, this same level of atmosphere isn’t associated with real-time strategy. The latter offers finely detailed and intriguing worlds that can feel rather clinical. However the nit and grit of World War II is intensely realised in Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor. While it’s still not quite Saving Private Ryan, you’ll fear for the lives of your soldiers more than ever before.You’ll need a hefty PC to get the most out of Tales of Valor, but we assume that for dedicated Yahoo! gamers this is par for the course. We could spend paragraphs lauding the visual complexity as every scenario is rich with unprecedented detail, giving the rather peculiar effect of observing real life in miniature owing to life-like animation of your troops and even the ground-based vehicles have tremendous weight as they trundle over the rough ground. Tanks, for example, are terrifying if they belong to the opposition and reassuring if they’re rolling out to aid your cause.

In our experience RTS confrontations amount to pea-shooters versus heavy artillery and there’s quite a grey area in between in which outnumbering foes is best policy. In Tales of Valor the level of detail makes way for a new strategic depth, David vs. Goliath instances that can turn the tide of a scenario, or tilt the balance just enough to create an unexpected opening. This requires the ability to think quicker on your feet and respond on the fly within the confines of a broader plan. It means that you’re constantly scanning the battlefield for a squad or even one man who could become the hero. You’ll have plenty of tales to share with friends who’ll listen.

Also more believable is that the environments are hazardous. Explosions that rock a small village will cause masonry to crumble and fire will spread. As the terrain is altered under heavy bombardment there are new places to find cover or trap the enemy. Again, this seat-of-your-pants experience really adds to the tension.

You’ll not be escaping resource management however and you’ll soon be convinced that this is a matter of life and death – survival and the hope of victory! Between manpower, munitions and fuel you’ll find all that’s necessary to improve your lot. Capture and hold a resource centre and you’ll have the means to request more capable vehicles, including air support, or specialists in the field of explosives or marksmanship. If you’re ill equipped at the start of a campaign you’ll need to dig in until more effective rifles etc are ‘delivered’. It’s also worth bearing in mind that this same degree of care must be paid to defence also.

Of course Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor is a game after all, and designed as entertainment. Therefore we’re not suggesting that this is a depiction of WWII as valuable as the history books – it is dramatised with celebrations of legendary WWII outfits such as the Allies’ heroic air-force and the Nazi’s infamous storm troopers. These are made available to commanders depending on upgrade routes you’ll choose during the game. How you choose to play the battlefield dictates upgrade options available. Therefore playing the single-player campaign is likely to yield new experiences each time you play using a different approach.

With hassle-free online match-making available to players wishing to go head to head, Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor sets new standards in just about every respect. Just be advised that you’ll likely not have time to consume your customary tea and biscuits because your heart, hands and mind will be otherwise occupied!

5 out of 5

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