

Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all having a great week.
I thought I would share a few of my flea market finds with you.
I found this little cupboard at a flea market this weekend.
When I saw it I knew exactly what I was going to do with it.

I love bar soap and

I thought this rustic cabinet from France would be great for displaying my soaps in.
I am excited because I have found some wonderful handmade lavender bar soaps to carry in my shop as well.

I found this french cake stand at the flea market as well.
I love how the cake stand looks inside this rustic little cabinet.

On another note~
Do you like this zinc pitcher from France?

If you do you, then you should head over to my friend,
Tracey's blog, French Larkspur!
She is having a very generous giveaway over on her blog! She is celebrating a one year blog anniversary!
Congratulations Tracey!!
You will also be able to have a sneak peek of what I will be carrying in my shop!

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