
Where You Can Find Me Today: Splendid Willow

Today you can find me at Splendid Willow, the stylish blog written by Monika...who I hope to meet soon, seeing how she lives just up the highway from me!

There is nothing quite like the sensibility of someone with Swedish genes, I swear. Look at a view of a bedroom in her home, showcasing a dresser she updated with a surprising approach.

Can you believe the dresser once looked like this?!

I also have a tiny update to share from the Master Bedroom Redesign, one I think Monika will approve of! I love this little paper mache bird by David Stark, just looking at him (the bird, that is) makes me happy...

The room is nearly complete...and I am determined to wrap up this project stat, despite all the distractions of the holiday season! All that remains to bring the room to the finish line is bedding. I just ordered fabric to sew a duvet. After visiting a few websites, in a search for one, I quickly realized finding a duvet in just the right color and fabric was going to be difficult. Making your own duvet isn't a complicated sewing project, as long as the design remains simple. And I'm sure to post a tutorial...just in case you'd like to try a similar project.

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