
The difference of wordpress.com and wordpress.org


The difference of wordpress.com and wordpress.org - for beginner in blog’s world, sometimes they will confuse for this terms between wordpress.com and wordpress.org. so, do wordpress.com and wordpress.org similar or different?

Perhaps this is called as “similar but not identical”, wordpress.com and wordpress.org are two things different between one and another. Let us to see about that two terms:

The difference of wordpress.com and wordpress.org

Wordpress.com is a free blog provider, blog software that be used is wordpress. In wordpress.com you can create a blog without pay anythings or free, you do not need to buy domain name or hosting. You only do register and create a blog according with steps that has been determined by wordpress. Wordpress.com is a legal website of wordpress software developer.

Wordpress.org is a free software provider to create a blog, blog of software is called as wordpress. Everyone may download this wordpress software and use it as blog’s software. In short, if you want to create a blog by using software wordpress, you can download software wordpress in wordpress.org, then install it at your own hosting, for paid hosting or free hosting. Create a blog by using software wordpress that you get from wordpress.org is known as wordpress self hosting.

From bot h of differences, of course there are advantages and damages from them, both of to create blog on wordpress.com or using software from wordpress.org. there are a little of notes about advantages and damages between wordpress.com and wordpress.org.

The advantages of wordpress.com

  1. To create a blog on wordpress.com do not confuse to install of wordpress software, you only register and create a blog according to steps that has been determined by wordpress.com.

  2. If you want create a blog on wordpress.com, so you do not buy the domain name for your blog, because it will use subdomain from wordpress.com automatically. For example blog address from wordpress.com : amen24.wordpress.com. although, if you want to change that address with your own doamin name, you can do that and this term is called as domain mapping. Besides that, you do not think about hosting, because it will be given freely.

The damages of wordpress.com

  1. You can not install plugin. In many conditions, sometimes we need plugin that has special functions to fill our necessity, but it can not do in wordpress.com, you only use available function.

  2. You can not install of theme. Sometimes, Template of blog is a important thing as a describe its owner. In wordpress.com, you only allowed to choose available theme. If you want to use your own theme, you should upgrade and pay amount of cost.

  3. Javascript function is non activated. In some of opportunities, sometimes we need use javascript function in our blog such as widgets that available in internet, but in wordpress.com can not do that because it has been non activated. If you enter javascript in order to it can not function as usually

  4. Bound of wordpress.com rules. Free is not means free to do anything, but you should allow the rules that has been determined by wordpress. If you do not allowed that rules, so you should get ready that your blog will be closed by wordpress.com.

Less reliable. In some of conditions, such as blog for sell, commonly log that use their own domain and their own hosting is more reliable by customers than free blog.

The advantages of wordpress.org (wordpress self hosting)

  1. You can install plugin freely

  2. You can install themes freely

  3. Javascript can function normally

  4. You do not bound with the rules of wordpress. Although your blog is using software of wordpress, but you blog do not have corelation with wordpress.com, because of that you do not bound with wordpress.com rules. However, you bound with the rules of your hosting.

  5. More reliable

The damages of wordpress.org

  1. You should install software of wordpress byself. All of things should do by your self, because of that, you need knowledges about install of wordpress.

  2. You should cost to buy domain and hosting (although many free domain and hosting that available in internet)

From a little information on above, of course you can consider which one that suitable for you.

As announcement that for the next, this blog only discuss about how to create a blog by using wordpress.org.

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