
Free Learning Wordpress


Free learning wordpress – to learning wordpress by using software from wordpress.org essentially you should pay to buy domain name and hosting. For you who want to learn but you do not have enough money, there are many ways to learn. B Tutorial try to give you solution who are very interested in wordpress freely.

Free Learning Wordpress

Using Free Domain

Although the price of domain is quite cheap about USD $10 – $15 per year, but the number is not cheap for some people. For domain’s problem, you can use free domain available in internet as an alternative, for example:

  1. http://co.cc

  2. http://www.dot.tk

Actually this is not free domain but free subdomain from the domain’s provider, but jut for learning, it can be used.

Using Free Web Hosting

Web hosting is a main obstacle for a half of people to learning wordpress, especially for bloggers who never think about cost of hosting. Same as domain, there are free hosting provider that make you to learning wordpress. Here they are:

  1. http://www.000webhost.com

  2. http://www.freehostia.com

  3. http://phpnet.us

  4. http://www.heliohost.org/home

Using Local Host

One of features of wordpress is it can be installed by use local host with the help of specific software such as Xampp or Wamp Server. With this way, you can learning wordpress only use your computer without internet connection.

Using local host according to B Tutorial is the best way in the learning process of wordpress. Here you do not need buy a domain name, hosting and internet connection because all can operate in your computer.

For wordpress tutorial using local host will be discussed in the next sessions. For you who want to add list of free domain and hosting, you can write in comment form.

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